Friday, July 07, 2006

A candid interview with Jenn (the editor of this blog):

J: Do you mind telling me more about being there??
P: Not at all.

J: How much does it cost when you buy a pint?
P: About a buck. Even for Guinness. Yes, that's right. 2,000 shillings. Okay, so more like a buck and a quarter. Still. Dude. Seriously.

J: Do Ugandans have an almost British way about them?
P: In many ways, yes, but I'm surprised at the number of people who can't figure out that I'm NOT from the UK.

J: Are you like, the only white guy around or do you see other people who are studying/on holiday/hanging out?
P: Let me put it this way. When I see other bazungu (crackers), I always check to see if I recognize them. Sometimes I do!

J: Did you see any wild dogs yet?
P: Yup. More irritatingly, I hear them at night in my apartment. They are VERY loud.

J: Does Kampala have a weird smell?
P: Burning garbage, BO (whoa, if you think some Americans are bad...), beer, pee, poo, need I say more? But you know what, I love it all the same.


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